About Us

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This website is run by a group of ‘Ulamā from different parts of the globe. We aim to provide the Ummah with authentic, accurate and accessible Islamic knowledge whilst maintaining its link with spirituality.

The Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is reported to have said:
“Ask Allāh for that knowledge which is beneficial, and seek His refuge from all that knowledge which does not benefit.”
(Jāmi’ Saghīr, Suyūti)

We pray to Allāh that He allows us to spread beneficial knowledge by means of this website and we ask that He allows us to benefit the Ummah through it.
If there are any certain topics you would like us to touch upon or If you would like to get in contact with us, please email us at:


(Our Info@islamicgateway.co.uk is currently having some technical issues so the above email can be used in the meantime.)

Note: As the website is still in its infant stage, there will naturally be many inconsistencies and areas to improve on, so all feedback is welcome and appreciated.