Love for One’s Homeland – Narration

Love for One’s Homeland – Narration

Tahqīq of the Narration

حب الوطن من الإيمان

“Love for one’s homeland is from (a part of) Īmān”

This statement is often quoted and has been given the level of a hadīth of RasūlAllāh ﷺ

1) Mulla Ali Qari رحمه الله has recorded this narration in his book on Mawdhū’āt, الأسرار المرفوعة

In there, he references Zarkashi, Sakhāwī and Mu’īn al-Dīn Safawi as having said regarding it “لم أقف عليه” and “ليس بثابت” (respectively).

Similarly, he has recorded it in his الموضوعات الصغرى with the addition of “لا أصل له عند الحفاظ”

2) Imām Zurqānī رحمه الله has also recorded this narration in مختصر المقاصد الحسنة and has commented “لا أعرفه”

3) Imām Saghānī has recorded this narration in his book of mawdhu’āt also classing it as fabricated.

4) Finally, Imām al-Suyūtī has recorded this in الدرر المتنثرة and commented “لم أقف عليه”

Therefore, this should not be referred to as a Hadīth of the prophet ﷺ, and should not be narrated.

And Allāh knows best

[Maulānā] Hanzala Khan | Bradford

١) الأسرار المرفوعة في الأخبار الموضوعة لملا علي القاري
٢) المصنوع في معرفة الحديث الموضوع لملا علي القاري
٣) مختصر المقاصد الحسنة للزرقاني
٤) الدرر المتنثرة في الأحاديث المشتهرة للسيوطي

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