Shaykh Al-Asr Maulānā Anwar Shāh Kashmirī

Shaykh Al-Asr Maulānā Anwar Shāh Kashmirī

After briefly writing about the life of Shaykh Al-Hadīth Maulānā Muhammad Zakariyyah Sāheb I was unsure about whose life I should write about next. There were too many names to pick from as every single scholar of Dār Al-Uloom Deoband was a beacon of excellence. However, after thinking about it carefully I narrowed it down to two names: Hadhrat Maulānā Ashraf Ali Thānwi Sāhib and Imam Al-Asr Maulānā Anwar Shāh Kashmirī. Although I have the utmost respect for Shaykh Thānwi, I decided to go forward with Shaykh Al-Asr (Shāh Sāheb) firstly, because I felt that amongst the general masses he is not acknowledged as much as the former.


Imām Al-Asr Allāmah Anwar Shāh Kashmirī ibn Maulānā Muhammad Muazzam Shāh was born on the 27th of Shawwāl 1292 A.H. which corresponds with the 26th of November 1875. His father was a very pious saint and was well known in Kashmir. From birth, the company of such a pious person will have, without a doubt, had an effect on the spiritual upbringing of Shāh Sāheb. This was manifested later on in his life.

Studies and Spirituality

At the tender age of five, his father taught him the recitation of the noble Qur’ān, then instructed him upon learning Persian at seven years. It is famous about Shāh Sāheb that he had a photographic memory.

After studying Persian he studied, Arabic grammar, Fiqh, and Usūl Al-Fiqh under the guidance of Maulānā Ghulām Muhammad Rasunipura. Since his thirst for knowledge was not satisfied here, he proceeded to Dār Al-Uloom Deoband to pursue knowledge. He studied under numerous legendary scholars there, such as: Shaykh Al-Hind Maulānā Mahmūdul Hasan, Maulānā Ishāq Amritsari and Maulānā Ghulām Hazārwi. After graduating in 1312 AH he lowered himself to Shaykh Rasheed Ahmad Gangohī for his spiritual rectification.


A few of his works are listed below

  • Faydh al-Bari (Commentary on Sahih Bukhari)
  • Ikfar al-Mulhideen
  • Al-Arf al-Shadhi (Commentary of Jami’ Tirmidhi
  • Al-Tasrih bi-ma Tawatara fi Nuzul al-Masih

Words of his Contemporaries

Many of his contemporaries and students spoke of him in high regard. For example, two scholars had the privilege of being labelled ‘a walking library’ Maulānā Idrees Kāndhelwi and Shāh Sāheb. Allāmah Syed Sulaimān Nadwi did not exaggerate when he said “Shāh Sāheb was like an ocean whose surface is calm while the inside is full of gems”.

Syed Atā’ullāh Shāh Bukhāri mentioned regarding him that “It is as though the caravan of the Sahābā was travelling and they left him behind.” Allāmah Shabbīr Ahmad Uthmānī compared him with the likes of Hāfiz Ibn Hajar, Shaykh Taqīuddin and Shaykh Izzuddin Ibn Abdis Salām! Allāmah Iqbāl commented saying “500 years of Islamic history have been unable to produce the likes of Shāh Sāheb.”

Maulānā Hussain Ahmed Madani has been quoted as saying “I have met and have discussed with scholars from India, Hijaz, Irāq, Egypt and Syria. However, I have not found anyone who can match the encyclopaedic depth of knowledge of Shāh Sāheb !” If we just ponder over these few points we will get a little idea of how great of a scholar he was!

His reading speeding was incredible. He would read 200 pages of Musnad Ahmad daily and quote it’s Ahādīth in lessons. Such an astonishing blessing allowed him to finish the Fat’h Al-Qadeer (which consists of 8 volumes!) in 20 DAYS!

Qadiyani Fitnah

In his time the Fitnah of Qādiyāniyyat had risen. Although he was ill at the time, many renowned scholars summoned him to the supreme court of Pakistan to bring evidence forward about Qādiyyāni’s being non-muslim. Throughout the case, the Qādiyyāni spokesperson took out a book, named it and began reading from it as evidence against Shāh Sāheb, However (being in the wrong) he began to twist the sentences and changed the passage so it is presented in their favour. Shāh Sāheb asked to see the book but was declined on the basis of a petty excuse. This is when Shāh Sāheb revealed his excellence and said “what you have read is wrong because I can remember I read that book 30 YEARS AGO and the actual passage is this…” after mentioning the correct passage (from memory) the judge looked at the book and it seemed that Hadhrat Maulānā Anwar Shāh Kashmirī was in fact correct. The whole courtroom was baffled by his reply.

Such an exceptional, extraordinary man he was! Every single student and scholar should make him their role-model!

The Passing of Shah Saheb

The world of knowledge suffered a colossal earthquake when Hadhrat Maulānā Anwar Shāh Kashmirī passed away on the 2nd of Safar 1352 (27th of May 1933) at the age of 60. He lies buried in an orchard in the outskirts of Deoband. Hadhrat Maulānā Hussain Ahmad Madani commented in a gathering after his demise while he broke down in tears and became overcome with emotions “the Ulamā and students have become orphans today”…

Note: I find it necessary to convey a clarification regarding an image which is commonly shared of an elderly looking person with a long white beard and turban giving the impression that this is Shah Sahib. this is incorrect and the rumour has been refuted by his children.

May Allah have mercy on Hadhrat Maulānā Anwar Shāh Kashmirī and elevate his ranks.

Ml Hanzala Khan

Sha’bān 1444 h. | March 2023

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